May 05, 2022
With many employers spending as much as one-third of their revenue on payroll expenses, reducing payroll costs is a hot-button topic for many multinational employers.
Controlling any area of the business, especially spending, begins with a clearidea of what’s happening—so let’s start there:
What exactly are payroll costs, and what’s typical for a global business?
Determining how to reduce payroll costs starts with a fundamental understanding of where you’re spending your money.
The first thing that comes to mind is typically the labor costs.
The money that you pay out for wages, salaries, overtime, bonuses and benefitsmake up a big portion of your total payroll costs. On average, global businesses spend 60% or more of their operating costs on payroll.
But that money often falls into a ‘justified business expense’ category. Whenwe’re looking at how to reduce payroll costs, there’s a lot more to consider.
The money that your global company spends on payroll also includes:
Reducing your global payroll expenses is most likely top of mind after realizing the high price you pay on operating costs.
But where do you start?
Global businesses should closely examine existing processes and procedures,looking for opportunities to improve efficiency with outsourcing, reducepayroll errors and add automation. These changes will have the mostdirect impact on lowering global payroll costs.
However, change isn’t limited to the payroll department.
Operations can also focus on implementing changes that will reduce overtime,and HR can focus on taking steps to reduce employee turnover.
Let’s take a closer look at how specific changes can help you slash globalpayroll spending.
Strategic outsourcing occurs at all levels of the business and can lead tosignificant savings. Companies can work with contractors to outsource certainjob functions in exchange for cost savings.
For example, if you can cut a dozen physical positions in your corporateoffice using outsourced labor, you can lower the associated taxes and benefitscosts. This approach also reduces the amount of office space you’ll need foremployees.
Unfortunately, there’s a fine line between cost-effective outsourcing and taxevasion. If you go this route, plan carefully and be prepared to defend yourdecisions if a foreign taxing authority challenges your business model.
If you’re caught misclassifying employees, you could get hit with extra fines,legal issues, and a mark on your company’s reputation.
Watch out for these outsourcing pitfalls:
Another big money leak for global payroll expenses is compliance fines.Missing a deadline is easy to do when there are dozens of different deadlinesfor every country. If you want to tighten the reins on financial bloat, starthere.
Getting strict about meeting deadlines for all compliance activities canpotentially save your global business millions.
Another money suck for your payroll expenses is overtime. In many countries,you’re paying 50% to 100% more for overtime hours compared to base wages.There may always be circumstances that warrant the extra expense, but overtimeshould be the exception rather than the rule.
Not only will your global company keep payroll spending in check with lessovertime, but employee morale will improve, and turnover will naturallydecline. While many employees appreciate an occasional push that leads to alittle extra cash, it’s a situation of diminishing returns if the overtimebecomes too common.
Automation is another essential component of efficiency. Take a moment toconsider how many payroll associates your company currently employs—and howmuch time each of those employees spends on manual tasks.
Technology enablement in payroll, paired with strategic outsourcing to athird-party payroll provider, can streamline the entire process and free yourstaff up to cross-train for more efficiency.
Employee turnover is costly across the organization. It’s easy to see thelosses in terms of time spent onboarding and training new employees. There’salso a significant performance difference between new employees and those whoare more experienced.
But there’s another administrative cost you might be overlooking. Your globalbusiness is likely spending a small chunk of change on payroll-relatedadministration due to employee turnover. Don’t forget to examine thetime spent:
Focusing on talent retention can naturally reduce your payroll costs.
If you’re looking to slash costs on your global payroll, don’t overlook thekey points above.
Rethinking your payroll practices and supporting initiatives to reduceemployee turnover, it can have a positive, long-term impact on lowering yourglobal payroll costs.
But payroll outsourcing can have the most immediate and impressive impact.Outsourcing your global payroll can drive efficiency in your payrollprocesses, eliminate compliance issues and reduce the cost of payrolladministration.
Get in touch today to learn more about reducing your payroll costs with ourPayroll 360