February 25, 2022
Have you heard? “The Land Down Under” is a booming hub for global businesses.
Australia’s geographical location opens the door to new trade opportunities inthe Asia-Pacific region. Plus, their open market approach with minimal traderestrictions makes it easier to do business.
But once you’re paying workers there, you’ve got to know the ins and outsof payroll tax in Australia.
Here’s a primer on the Aussies’ tax and benefit withholdings.
Australia might be in the far corner of the globe with plenty of distancebetween it and major global business markets like the United States orEurope—but that’s not holding them back.
In fact, Australia’s location has opened the door to new trade opportunities,including free trade agreements with countries like:
In addition to free trade, Australia is well-known for its skilled workforceand low unemployment rates. For global employers, this means a new talent poolwith lower investments in training and development.
Australia also has a strong GDPpowered by the service industry–supporting growth in emerging industries like MedTech (medical technology) and FinTech (financial technology).
Plus, the country is focused on ‘going green’ with clean energy and net-zero carbon. Expanding your global business to Australia could be a good look for your corporate sustainability agenda and diversity.
Setting up shop in Australia is a good option for business growth, but itcomes with its own set of challenges. A new government and a new set ofcultural norms mean you’ll need to learn new rules and regulations.
Before you can hire and pay employees, here’s what you need to know aboutpayroll tax in Australia.
In Australia, there is a ‘payroll tax’ paid to the Consolidated Fund of Western Australia to coversocial welfare programs like education, healthcare, and public safety. Thistax is set at the state or territory level but paid to a federal fund. Thatmeans the tax rates and thresholds vary between states and are dependent onwhere you do business.
Employers are required to :
Mainland Australia is divided into six states and two territories, each withits own minimum thresholds and payroll tax rates.
Chart sourced from link above
In addition to Australia’s payroll tax scheme, employers are also tasked withcalculating and withholding these additional taxes:
Individual income taxes
Australia uses a familiar tiered tax structure to assess individual incometax. Employers calculate withholdings during payroll using a ‘pay as you go’system. Employees reconcile their taxes at the end of the year, typicallyreceiving a refund.
Australia’s individual income tax rates vary between 19-45% of anindividual's income.
Superannuation—or just ‘super’ for short—is Australia’s social retirementfund. Similar to old-age social security systems in other countries, acompulsory withholding is taken for every payroll cycle during an individual'sworking years. The money is earmarked to provide financial support duringretirement beginning at age 65.
Superannuation withholdings apply to all employees aged 18 or older earning $450 or more per month. Super also applies to any working individual below the age of 18 whomeets a minimum earning threshold amount and works full-time (more than 30hours per week).
Fringe benefits tax
Fringe benefits—or ‘perks of the job’—are taxable in Australia. Definitionscan get a bit wonky here, and the fringe benefits tax can be a stumbling blockfor global employers who aren’t familiar with the structure.
For one, the definition of an ‘employee’ is broad when it comes to fringebenefits tax.It can cover anyone receiving a fringe benefit, including current, future orpast employees, as well as directors and trust beneficiaries.
What exactly is considered a fringe benefit? Examples include:
As of 2022, the fringe benefits tax rateis an astounding 47%. After figuring the extra taxes, that sweet ride that comes with the job might not be the big bonus it looks like.
However, employers and employees can generally claim a portion of this tax fora credit when they file their reconciliations.
Australia’s public healthcare program is broken down into two taxes.
A standard 2% Medicare levy is applied to all residents at the federal level. Plus, high-earners and those without appropriate private health insurance coverage may be assessed a second surcharge tax. The surcharge rate adds an additional 1-1.5%to the typical Medicare tax.
Hiring in Australia can offer global businesses big benefits—and Australia’spayroll taxes aren’t really that different from most other countries. Each hasits own version of individual income tax, healthcare provisions and retirementschemes that are paid for through employer-sponsored payroll allocations.
The challenge country-to-country is figuring out what rates apply to whichemployees—and who to pay the liabilities to. Plus, of course, staying on topchanges to local requirements.
It’s the local expertise that can be a sticking point for multinationalemployers.
That’s where Payroll 360 can help.
Speak with an expert to learn more about how Safeguard Global can ensure complianceand streamline payroll processing in over 150 countries.